Boost Your Visibility: The Power of Paid Social Media Ads
In this newsletter, I will show you,
- the comparison between organic paid posts on Facebook, Instagram
- how paid advertising will boost your visibility on Facebook & Co.
- Practical tips for you as a conclusion: paid and/or organic posts.
Social Media offers a huge potential for you as a medium-sized company:
Whether you want to win new customers, keep existing customers, or are looking for employees – social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube will give you the best opportunities.
Why: Because there you can reach your target group most easily, quickly, and cheaply.
In 2022, an average of 2.5 hours of daily usage time was found worldwide on Instagram & Co. And this time duration is constantly increasing.
We all – including your target groups – are increasingly shifting our (free) time into the digital world.
Another big advantage that social media offers you is:
You can measure the success of your posts:
How many have seen a post?
How often was a post clicked?
How far was the video post viewed? etc.
You know what your target group is thinking:
- Measurement results give you a decisive advantage.
- You recognize what your target group wants and what interests them!
- Accordingly, you can improve all your actions (from advertising to the product) by constantly testing variants and testing the winners further refined.
This is the process that the giants like Coca Cola go through exactly the same way, but also companies of any size can easily go through, including you as a medium-sized company.
Boost your visibility – but not organic …
In your measurements, you will quickly see that organic (normal) posts on Facebook or Instagram reach relatively few people (=post reach) and are therefore seen relatively little (=impressions).
(The difference: reach means the number of people / impression means the number of plays, one person can see the same post 2 or 3 times.)
Two main reasons:
The ratio of active to passive users on Facebook and Instagram has increasingly shifted towards “active users”. More than half of the participants post at least once a month.
Accordingly, many posts accumulate daily on Facebook and Instagram. The chances of being seen are reduced with each additional foreign post.
Facebook & Co. want to encourage their users to place ads. They therefore deliberately reduce the visibility of organic posts by placing paid posts better and more often.
Highest possible visibility is thus one of the most important goals on social media.
This keeps us in the consciousness of our target groups and continually build trust – fundamental for every purchase.
2 solutions to increase visibility:
- Increase number of posts: You can switch from one post per week to 2 per week or even to daily posts. This multiplies your visibility.
Advantage: free
Disadvantage: Time effort, because you need more pictures, more videos and more texts
2. Launch paid campaigns: You use an already published organic post with very good numbers (impressions and reactions) and place this post as paid advertising.
I show you the comparison paid – organic with the data from 4 customers from practice:
The differences in visibility are extreme: 4 medium-sized companies
We posted the same video both organically and in a paid advertising campaign. Here is the difference:
Medium-sized company with 450 followers:
Short product video (goal: awareness)
Paid: 11,600 people: in 30 days with a contribution of 300 Euros
Organic: 162 people: with the same contribution
Factor: 70
Machine builder with 1,600 followers: Job recruiting video:
Paid: 15,805 people with 149 clicks and 294 Euros => 15 applicants
Organic: 478 people with 5 clicks
Factor: 33
Machine video (goal: awareness)
Video 2 with ad: 5,662 people in 10 days and expenses of 19.23 Euros
Video 2 organic: 373 people in 30 days Factor: 15
Machine builder with 461 followers:
Recruiting video: searching for skilled workers
Paid: 34,352 people with 939 clicks in 27 days and 819 Euros => 12 applicants
Organic: 337 people with 9 clicks in 30 days
Factor: 101
Machine builder with 1,284 followers:
Machine video: (goal: awareness)
Paid: 44,750 people with 1,347 clicks in 30 days with 480 Euros
Organic: 795 people on Reels with 1 click
Factor: 56
ou see – the difference is extreme:
with just a few Euros (about 5 Euros) per day, you usually reach more than 50 times as many prospects with 10 Euros a day, the number increases by a factor of 50 – 100
WARNING: Pay particular attention to the difference in the click numbers of the advertising posts! Facebook’s advertising algorithm finds the desired target group very accurately, which explains, for example, the high number of clicks and applicant numbers in recruiting.
Extremely important:
Advertising not only gives you quick visibility but also visibility to your very specific target group – whether potential applicants for jobs or customer groups.
It is visibility with your chosen target group that you need.
Digital marketing on social media platforms will help you in all processes, whether sales, purchasing, employee recruitment.
If you are present on social media, then you want visibility! However, you only get visibility with a high frequency or with paid contributions. Paid contributions bring you the desired visibility very quickly and very precisely.
High frequencies require more time in creation and planning.
You might now be asking yourself: If paid advertising is so much better, why should I publish organic posts at all? 2 reasons:
Building trust: All posts are stored together on your Facebook/Instagram page. Customers/applicants sift through these pages to learn about you. So the sum is important! Here you build your digital trust – an online business showcase.
Test your topics: With individual posts, you can continually test which products, offers, topics resonate with your followers and which do not. This way you can align your offer accordingly and also use the best contributions for paid advertising campaigns.
My tip for you:
Check your business situation: do you have capacities for high frequency (many images, videos), do you have advertising budget (approx. 200 – 300 Euros per month) Decide based on your goals:
Do you need quick visibility (e.g. for a sales promotion): then paid advertising will help you
Range of posts: Visibility => Increase awareness (choose “Awareness” as the campaign goal for advertising)
Clicks: for applications, specific offers => this is about actions (choose “Lead” as the campaign goal for advertising)
Do you want to build long-term visibility and trust: then organic posts will help you
Use – if possible – BOTH systems:
- Organic: start e.g. with one image post per week. Regularity is important, so be conservative at the beginning
- Paid: in addition, you can run time-limited advertising for special occasions (sales promotions, presentations, employee search, etc.).
- Test your different topics (products, market info, employee reports, etc.), media (image/video), post time, etc.
- Golden rule: Constant testing!
You get your benefits from social media mainly through constant testing and optimization.
If you need help then feel free to contact me here by email: CLICK HERE
I will get back to you within 24 hours!
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Best regards and have a nice weekend!
Joe Mayer