Have you ever wondered where you can reach customers and business partners instantly and easily?
The answer is clearer than ever before:
Social Media!
The latest ARD-ZDF Online Study 2023 reveals:
- An incredible 80% of Germans are online every day.
- On average, each person spends 33 minutes on social media platforms.
- For the younger crowd under 30, it’s 69 minutes DAILY!
Instagram leads the way in the social media world!
Videos dominate the platforms. Their popularity is on the rise.
YouTube attracts more young users than traditional TV.
What does this mean for your business?
- Realize the potential! You can reach almost everyone with social media.
- Social media is here to stay and continues to grow. It’s needed in every industry: to inform applicants, employees, customers, suppliers, etc.
- Social media is free. Therefore, the competition is fierce. The sooner you start professionally, the bigger your lead will be.
- Don’t wait any longer – take advantage of these benefits for yourself!